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Property developer

Complete property solutions

Designhus is your solid partner for creating successful and attractive residential projects.

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By your side

At Designhus, we offer comprehensive and reliable solutions for property developers, architects, housing associations, and landowners. We understand the various challenges and requirements that come with initiating a new construction project and always strive to make each project successful – from start to finish.

With extensive experience and many successful projects under our belt, we have a deep understanding of the entire process and everything it entails. Our team consists of skilled craftsmen, purchasers, and project managers who work together to deliver high-quality and sustainable construction projects. Whether it’s villas, townhouses, duplexes, or larger residential areas, we are equipped to handle every detail with the utmost care.


Our unique work

From idea to finished project

På Designhus erbjuder vi en komplett totalentreprenad och tar hand om hela byggprocessen från första skissen till färdigt resultat. Som helhetsleverantör garanterar vi effektiv och professionell samordning av alla delar av projektet. Vi skräddarsyr lösningar för att möta dina specifika behov och visioner, med fokus på att leverera byggnader av högsta kvalitet och långsiktig hållbarhet.

Vår erfarna projektledning säkerställer att ditt projekt håller både tidsplanen och budgeten, samtidigt som vi noggrant övervakar varje steg för att minimera risker och maximera resultat. Genom vårt starka nätverk av pålitliga entreprenörer och leverantörer kan vi garantera hög standard i alla aspekter av ditt projekt.

Att välja Designhus innebär att du får en engagerad partner med djup förståelse för fastighetsmarknaden och dedikation till att skapa värde för våra kunder. Vår erfarenhet och helhetsperspektiv gör oss helt enkelt unika i branschen.

Designhus is a highly competent and reliable partner for us to collaborate with. Their extensive experience and excellent staff are essential for ensuring smooth project execution.
Mark Philip Mark
Sethmark Properties

Frequently asked questions

What does Designhus offer to property developers and other partners?

Designhus offers comprehensive and reliable solutions for property developers, architects, housing cooperatives, and landowners. We manage the entire construction process from the initial sketch to the final result, including turnkey contracts, project management, and customized solutions to meet specific needs and visions.

How does Designhus ensure quality and sustainability in its construction projects?

Designhus guarantees high quality and long-term sustainability through our comprehensive turnkey contracting services. Our team of skilled craftsmen, procurement specialists, and project managers work together to deliver construction projects of the highest standard. We also have a strong network of reliable contractors and suppliers who contribute to maintaining the excellence of our projects.

How does Designhus handle project management and risk management in its construction projects?

Our experienced project management ensures that each project adheres to both the schedule and budget. We carefully monitor every step of the construction process to minimize risks and maximize results. Through efficient and professional coordination of all project components, we can guarantee smooth and successful project completion.

Awards and certifications

Selection of partners

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