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Your House Manufacturer in the Mälardalen Region

More than a Real Estate Company

Designhus is a privately owned real estate company with a passion for sustainable new housing construction in Stockholm and Uppsala. We do not settle for standard solutions. We create high-quality, custom timber-framed houses based on your personal vision. Our ability to offer turnkey solutions at all stages of the construction process allows us to keep both costs and delivery times down. A process that gives everyone involved free rein, whether you are a home buyer, architect, landowner, or developer.

We work with a clear goal of creating homes where people want to live – and, above all, thrive. Therefore, we place great emphasis on every detail and only collaborate with well-established architects and contractors to develop products that are not chosen by chance. At Designhus, you can be assured that our residential projects are created with care.

Our process

This is how we build a custom-made and turnkey house in 40-45 weeks.


Inspiration session

Together we explore your visions and wishes.


Customized plan

You will receive a rendering, quotation and timetable.


Project start

We start the work according to your wishes and goals


The keys to your unique project

When the project is finished, we hand over the keys to your customized project.

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Our History

Our History

In 2007, an exciting and new journey began for what would one day become Designhus. Back then, under the name BWN Bygg, carefully chosen after my three lovely daughters – Bonnie, Wanda, and Nova. The company name was naturally associated with my daughters, but also with hard work, countless hours, and a completely overwhelming time with the company. That period laid the foundation for what has evolved into something much larger in recent years. The development gained momentum, and the company began to tackle larger development projects alongside well-known developers and renowned architects. This resulted in many new residential areas where people today call their homes.

Designhus reflects the new era that the company has entered. The name change signals our ability to compete with other house manufacturers and makes it easier for both subcontractors and suppliers to understand our identity and values. The small construction company that my daughters named 17 years ago is no longer just a construction company; it has become exactly what the name suggests – Designhus!


Joachim, who has been running a construction company since 2001, had higher ambitions than just being another house manufacturer in the crowd. Designhus is the alternative for those seeking comprehensive solutions to create homes with character. Timeless, modern, and functional. Homes that actually enhance people’s quality of life. The group’s many branches, including a subsidiary in land development and sustainable construction, have made it possible to offer customers a unique total package consisting of local plumbers, carpenters, electricians, tilers, concrete workers, painters, and architects.

It is gratifying to note that Designhus has been behind several major development projects in recent years, in the form of condominium associations consisting of semi-detached and terraced houses. A clear indication that our care for quality and attention to detail as a house manufacturer is appreciated by our clients.

Get inspired

Selected images from our customer cases

We are extremely satisfied with all the assistance we have received, from drafting our idea to completion. Thank you!
Family Janson

Our team


Joacim Bolin

Joacim Bolin

Lina Ramsell

Lina Ramsell

Daniel Carlsson

Daniel Carlsson

Victor Holmqvist

Victor Holmqvist

Benny Bohlin

Benny Bohlin

Benny Bohlin

Benny Bohlin

Benny Bohlin

Benny Bohlin

Benny Bohlin

Benny Bohlin

Prestige and Certifications

Selection of partners

New construction of houses?

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